Thursday, October 27, 2011

Hot and Cold Deserts

  • desert-a dry habitat that gets very little rain.  
  • hot deserts are hot in the day and cold at night.
  • soil is sandy and rocky.
  • desert plants store water in stems and leaves
  • some leaves curl up in the day to hide from sunlight
  • lizards, snakes, and turtles live in deserts
  • they do not need a lot of water to survive
  • they eat other plants or animals to get water
  • they have pale colors to stay cool and hide from other animals
  • most sleep in the day and come out at night when it is cooler
  • the arctic is a cold desert near the north pole
  • it is cold and dry
  • thick fur and blubber (fat) helps animals stay warm
  • reindeer, walruses, foxes, and polar bears live there
  • many small low plants
  • no trees
  • tiny leaves because roots grow shallow (ground is frozen all year long)

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