Monday, October 24, 2011


  • woodland forest-habitat that gets enough rain and sunlight for trees to grow well.


  • Deer, bears, foxes, birds, insects and worms live there
  • leaves turn color (from green to orange, red, or yellow) in the fall and drop off to the ground
  • Some trees stay green all year
  • bears eat berries, nuts, and fish in the spring, summer and fall.  In the winter they sleep in caves or hollow logs when there is not much food around.
  • owls have large eyes to hunt at night.  they also hunt using sound.
  • woodpeckers have sharp beaks to tap trees and eat insects
  • deer have colors and spots to hide in the forest
  • chipmunks have big cheeks that they use to carry nuts
  • tropical rainforest-habitat where it rains almost every day
  • bats, insects, colorful birds, jaguars, tapirs, and wild boars live there
  • trees grow tall and have huge leaves, block most sunlight from the forest ground
  • ferns, mosses, and orchids grow on the trees to get enough sunlight
  • animals and plants try to blend in with the trees to stay safe
  • some animals have color patterns that scare away other animals

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