Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Using Earth's Resources

  • Natural resources give us many things we need to live (air, water, soil)
  • Water and wind are replaced quickly by Earth when we use them
  • Minerals take millions of years to form, and are not replaced quickly by Earth
  • Moving water and wind can make electric power for homes, trees can be used for homes and furniture, animal skins can be used for clothing, soil is used to grow plants and vegetables, oil and minerals come from the ground
  • Pollution makes natural resources dirty so that we cannot use them 
  • Litter is garbage that people leave behind that makes the land and water dirty
  • Remember the 3 R's to save the resources 
  • Reduce-use less of something
  • Reuse-use something again
  • Recycle-make new things out of old things
  • Ride a bike or walk instead of driving a car
  • Put trash in garbage cans

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