Sunday, December 11, 2011

Rocks and Minerals Quiz #1

Rocks and Minerals

  • natural resources-things people use from earth (air, wind, water, rock, minerals, animals, plants)
  • rock-nonliving hard part of earth.  different sizes, shapes, colors, etc...
  • rocks have been used as tools (arrow) and to build walls and buildings
  • minerals-hard, nonliving parts of soil that can make rocks sparkle or shine (graphite in pencils, flourite in toothpaste, magnetite in magnets)
  • rocks and minerals take millions of years to form in the ground
  • people dig in the ground for rocks and minerals
  • rocks can be made of one or more minerals

Thursday, December 1, 2011

The Solar System

  • A planet is an object that moves around the sun
  • The solar system is made of planets, moons, and the sun
  • Solar means "of the sun"
  • There are eight planets in our solar system
  • The sun is the center of the system, the sun is the strongest and brightest part 
  • Planets closer to the sun take less time to go around the sun
  • Mercury-closest to the sun, rocky
  • Venus-hottest planet, thick clouds
  • Earth-water, air, one moon
  • Mars-two moons, red, rocky
  • Jupiter-largest planet, 63 moons
  • Saturn-large rings around it, made of ice and rocks, 47 moons
  • Uranus has thin rings, 27 moons, Neptune is a blue planet, 13 moons


The Moon and Stars

  • Light from the sun shines on the moon
  • The moon does not shine it's own light
  • The moon is made of rock
  • The moon makes a path around the earth called an orbit
  • The moon does not change shape, but the parts we can see that are lit up change shape
  • Each shape of the moon that we see is called a phase
  • Phases appear in the same order every month and repeat
  • A star is a hot object in space made of glowing gases
  • Gases give off heat and light
  • Stars look tiny because they are far away
  • The sun is close to Earth and looks larger, it is an average size star (normal size)
  • The sun is so bright it lights up the sky in the day and we cannot see the stars

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Using Earth's Resources

  • Natural resources give us many things we need to live (air, water, soil)
  • Water and wind are replaced quickly by Earth when we use them
  • Minerals take millions of years to form, and are not replaced quickly by Earth
  • Moving water and wind can make electric power for homes, trees can be used for homes and furniture, animal skins can be used for clothing, soil is used to grow plants and vegetables, oil and minerals come from the ground
  • Pollution makes natural resources dirty so that we cannot use them 
  • Litter is garbage that people leave behind that makes the land and water dirty
  • Remember the 3 R's to save the resources 
  • Reduce-use less of something
  • Reuse-use something again
  • Recycle-make new things out of old things
  • Ride a bike or walk instead of driving a car
  • Put trash in garbage cans

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Officer Buckle and Gloria

  • Officer Buckle knew more safety tips than anyone. When he found one, he put it on his board.
  • No one at Napville school ever listened to his tips
  • Officer gets a police dog named Gloria and shows her to the students
  • Gloria listens to Officer Buckle's commands
  • While Officer is speaking and giving safety tips, Gloria is doing tricks behind the Officer!
  • The children are excited and laugh
  • Officer Buckle thinks he is a good speaker, but the children are only interested in Gloria's tricks
  • The children write many thank you letters to Officer Buckle and Gloria
  • Officer Buckle goes to speak about safety at 313 schools and takes Gloria along
  • The TV station records Officer Buckles speech and Gloria's tricks
  • Officer Buckle does not know about Gloria's tricks!
  • Officer Buckle sees himself on the TV news
  • Then there was an accident at school with banana pudding
  • Mrs. Toppel screamed and let go of her hammer
  • Officer Buckle gives one more safety speech, "Always stick with your buddy!"

    Head Body Legs

    • Long ago, head was all by himself. He rolled around and could only eat what he could reach with his tongue.
    • He fell asleep under a cherry tree.  When he woke up, he wanted some cherries.
    • He rolled down the hill very fast and bumped into two arms.
    • The arms attached themselves to head.
    • This way the arms could help pick food for head, and head could help the arms see.
    • They ate some cherries and took a nap.
    • While they were sleeping, body bounced along on top of them.
    • Body cannot watch where it is going, because it has no eyes!
    • Head attached himself to body at the belly button.
    • Body can help head swim, and head can help body see
    • They go across the river to pick some mangoes, but they are not tall enough
    • They see two legs, arms grabbed them
    • At first, head was on the belly button, and arms were on the head
    • Head changed to the top of the body, arms changed to the shoulders
    • Body changed to the middle, and legs to the bottom
    • When everyone was in the right place, they could reach the mangoes
    • A perfect person was made!

    There's Nothing Like Baseball

    • Emma always knew that she wanted to play baseball
    • Her brother Greg also liked to play baseball
    • Emma daydreams about baseball all the time
    • Her best friend Jamal and cousin Nicki like to play too
    • Jamal and Emma play on the same team
    • Emma's mom also played baseball
    • Emma is on "Rex's House of Fins and Fur" baseball team
    • Rex and Sophie sponsor the team and bring snacks
    • They own the pet store
    • They want everyone to try their best, and for everyone to get to play
    • Emma wants to be a shortstop because they are fast.  It is a hard job to play shortstop
    • Jamal wants to be shortstop too
    • Jamal is nice and wants Emma to be the shortstop
    • Emma has a dream, when she wakes up she was happy in the dream, but Jamal was not
    • Emma is upset over who will be shortstop
    • At the tryouts, Nikki plays shortstop first
    • Emma will play second base
    • Jamal will play first

    Monday, November 28, 2011

    Farfallina and Marcel

    • Farfallina is trying to find a dry spot on her leaf to eat
    • a small gray bird named Marcel is trying to use the leaf as an umbrealla
    • Farfallina likes the gray birds soft feathers and gentle eyes
    • Marcel likes her smile and pretty colors
    • The two play hide and seek
    • The two play games together everyday, they like each other
    • Farfallina feels tired, and climbs a tree to take a rest
    • Marcel waits by the pond
    • he is lonely
    • Marcel gives up that Farfallina will come down from the tree
    • Farfallina is in a cocoon, turning into a butterfly
    • Farfallina goes looking for Marcel
    • Marcel has turned into a handsome goose

    • they meet, but don't recognize each other right away
    • then they tell each other their names, and they are so happy!
    • Farfallina and Marcel play all summer, and in the fall they go south together

    Sunday, November 27, 2011

    Earth's Water

    • We need water everyday
    • Living things on earth need water
    • plants use water to make their own food
    • humans and animals need to drink fresh water
    • fresh water is not salty
    • fresh water is found in lakes, ponds, rivers, and streams
    • ice and snow melt into fresh water

    • ocean is a large deep body of salt water
    • ocean covers 3/4 of the earth

    • ships carry people and things around the world

    • many living things in the ocean need salt water to stay alive

    Monday, November 21, 2011

    Emergency Room Quiz #1

    Emergency Room

    • If you have a serious illness or broken bone, you should go to the hospital or emergency room
    • ambulances are driven by paramedics
    • paramedics are special doctors who come to help you when you are hurt or very sick
    • an x-ray is a special picture that shows your bones or muscles inside your body.  This helps the doctor to see if you are ok.
    • ambulances have special tools and medicines to help you when you are traveling to the hospital.
    • doctors and paramedics/nurses take a personal interest in you when you are sick or in pain, they care about you very much.
    • When you get to the hospital, an admissions worker will help you fill out forms and see why you came to the hospital.
    • A nurse will help take your blood pressure and check your body signs to see if you are healthy.  If you need any special tests done, your nurse will help you with this.
    • The doctor will examine you.  He will inform you of the best way to help you heal from a broken bone or sickness.

    Monday, November 14, 2011

    Earth's Land

    • Land can be smooth, rocky, or flat
    • Land can be high or low
    • Earth's land has many shapes, called landforms
    • Mountains-pointed tops, rocky, steep sides
    • Valley-low land between mountains or hills
    • Plain-flat and wide land
    • Hills-like small, round mountains
    • A globe is like a ball that shows earth's continents (land) and oceans
    • A map is like a globe but it is flat
    • On a map and globe, low land is shown with green, high land with brown, and water with blue
    • An island is small land with water on all sides
    • The earth has three parts, or layers (Crust, Mantle, Core)
    • Crust-where plants and animals live, thin layer
    • Mantle-very hot "middle" layer
    • Core-very hot, part solid like rock, part liquid like water

    Wednesday, November 2, 2011

    Oceans and Ponds Quiz #1

    Oceans and Ponds

    • ocean is a large body of salt water
    • beds of kelp (seaweed) are like forests in the ocean (provide food and shelter for animals)
    • body shapes of animals help them swim (fins, flippers, tails)
    • ocean animals stay safe (sea turtles have shells, some animals have spines)
    • whales, sharks and dolphins stay in deep water
    • pond- small body of fresh water that does not flow
    • fresh water has little or no salt
    • frogs, fish, and turtles eat insects that live in ponds
    • snakes live in grass near ponds and eat frogs
    • pond plants grow up through the water to get sunlight
    • some insects breathe through tubes to the water's surface
    • salamanders breathe through skin
    • fish breathe through gills

    A Harbor Pup Seal Grows Up Quiz #1

    A Harbor Pup Seal Grows Up

    • Harbor seal families lie in the warm sun
    • Sidney is a seal pup
    • her mother is hungry, so she dives in the water to go fishing
    • the mother hunts fish for 4 days
    • people come to rescue the pup
    • Peter is a scientist who cares for rescued seal pups
    • the scientists feed milk to the hungry pup
    • Sidney is 3 weeks old, she is small for her age
    • a child's ply pool becomes the pups new home
    • the scientists try for many days to get the pup to eat fish, then she eats it
    • when the pup is 5 weeks old, she has a thick layer of fat and is ready to be on her own
    • Sidney is returned to her ocean home

    Monday, October 31, 2011

    Questions for Deserts due Thursday

    1. ______________ have pale colors to stay cool and hide from other animals.
    2. In a ___________ desert, the soil is _____________and _______________.
    3. _______________ plants store water in stems and ___________.
    4. Some______________curl up in the day to hide from ________________.
    5. lizards, ___________, and turtles live in deserts
    6. They do not need a lot of ______________ to survive.

    Questions for the Tiny Seed due Thursday

    1. What season is it when the story begins? _____________________
    2. The first seed lands on a __________ _____________ mountain.
    3. One seed falls in the _______________ and drowns.
    4. One seed falls in the dry, hot ___________________.
    5. A bird eats the seeds, but does not see the _____________ ______________.
    6. A mouse eats seeds, but does not see the ______________ _______________.
    7. A ______________ takes away all the water, nutrients, and minerals from the seeds and other plants.  A ______________ is not good for plants and flowers to grow.
    8. ______________ run and play and break the new plants.

    Questions for Deserts due Wednesday

    1. There are both _____________- and ______________ deserts.
    2. Hot deserts are __________________ during the day and __________________ during the night.
    3. In cold deserts, the ground is ___________________ all year long.
    4. In ____________deserts, plants grow close to the ground to stay safe from the _____________ ______________.
    5. List three animals that live in hot deserts:
      1. ________________________
      2. ________________________
      3. ________________________
    6. List three animals that live in cold deserts:
      1. ________________________
      2. ________________________
      3. ________________________
    7. ________________ of plants in _______________ deserts grow deep into the ground and far away from the plant.
    8. __________________ of plants in ______________ deserts grow shallow because the ground is always frozen (like ice).

    Thursday, October 27, 2011

    The Tiny Seed

    • In Autumn, a strong wind blows flower seeds high in the air and far away
    • one seed lands on a tall icy mountain and cannot grow, the tiny seed is carried on by the wind
    • one seed falls in the water and drowns, it cannot grow, the tiny seed is carried on by the wind
    • one seed falls in the desert, it cannot grow, the tiny seed is carried on by the wind
    • all the seeds fall on the ground, and a bird eats all but the tiny seed, the bird does not see the tiny seed
    • a mouse eats seeds for lunch, but does not see the tiny seed
    • the seeds start to grow in the spring, but a weed grows up and takes away all the rain and sun from the other plants
    • children run and play and break the new plants
    • a seed grows a flower and is picked by someone
    • the tiny seed grows into a giant flower in the summer
    • the big flower makes more seeds that are carried along into the wind, just like the beginning of the tiny seed

    Hot and Cold Deserts

    • desert-a dry habitat that gets very little rain.  
    • hot deserts are hot in the day and cold at night.
    • soil is sandy and rocky.
    • desert plants store water in stems and leaves
    • some leaves curl up in the day to hide from sunlight
    • lizards, snakes, and turtles live in deserts
    • they do not need a lot of water to survive
    • they eat other plants or animals to get water
    • they have pale colors to stay cool and hide from other animals
    • most sleep in the day and come out at night when it is cooler
    • the arctic is a cold desert near the north pole
    • it is cold and dry
    • thick fur and blubber (fat) helps animals stay warm
    • reindeer, walruses, foxes, and polar bears live there
    • many small low plants
    • no trees
    • tiny leaves because roots grow shallow (ground is frozen all year long)

    Monday, October 24, 2011


    • woodland forest-habitat that gets enough rain and sunlight for trees to grow well.


    • Deer, bears, foxes, birds, insects and worms live there
    • leaves turn color (from green to orange, red, or yellow) in the fall and drop off to the ground
    • Some trees stay green all year
    • bears eat berries, nuts, and fish in the spring, summer and fall.  In the winter they sleep in caves or hollow logs when there is not much food around.
    • owls have large eyes to hunt at night.  they also hunt using sound.
    • woodpeckers have sharp beaks to tap trees and eat insects
    • deer have colors and spots to hide in the forest
    • chipmunks have big cheeks that they use to carry nuts
    • tropical rainforest-habitat where it rains almost every day
    • bats, insects, colorful birds, jaguars, tapirs, and wild boars live there
    • trees grow tall and have huge leaves, block most sunlight from the forest ground
    • ferns, mosses, and orchids grow on the trees to get enough sunlight
    • animals and plants try to blend in with the trees to stay safe
    • some animals have color patterns that scare away other animals

    Sunday, October 23, 2011

    Questions for My Name is Yoon

    1. Does Yoon like America at first?
    2. What does Yoon's name mean in Korean?
    3. Does Yoon like her Korean or American name better?
    4. When Yoon is in school, what does she write on her paper (not her name)?
    5. Yoon always wants to go back to _____________.
    6. Yoon makes friends with the ______________  ________________.

    Monday, October 17, 2011

    My Name is Yoon

    • Yoon is from Korea
    • Yoon likes her Korean name better than her English name, because her Korean name looks happy
    • Yoon does not like America, she wants to go back to Korea
    • Yoon decides to draw a picture so the teacher will like her
    • Yoon writes CAT instead of her name on her paper, because she wants to hide in a corner and snuggle like a mother cat with her baby
    • then Yoon writes BIRD on every line of her paper, because she wants to fly back to Korea
    • Yoon feels all alone.  She had many friends in Korea.  Her mom says that she will be a fine student, just be patient.
    • The ponytail girl shares a CUPCAKE with Yoon on the playground.
    • Yoon then writes CUPCAKE all over her paper in class
    • Yoon makes friends with the ponytail girl
    • Yoon begins to think she may like America
    • Yoon likes to write her name in English now

    Food Chains and Food Webs

    • Food Chain- a model of the order in which living things get the food they need.  Most food chains start with the sun.
    • An animal that hunts and eats other animals for food is a predator
    • Animals that are hunted and eaten are called prey
    • some food chains are on land, some are in water
    • some are on both land and water!
    • some animals, like worms, eat plants and animals that are dead.  They break them down into smaller pieces.
    • A food web is two or more food chains that are connected.
    • sometimes one animal is food for many animals
    • sometimes one predator eats many kinds of prey