Sunday, December 11, 2011

Rocks and Minerals Quiz #1

Rocks and Minerals

  • natural resources-things people use from earth (air, wind, water, rock, minerals, animals, plants)
  • rock-nonliving hard part of earth.  different sizes, shapes, colors, etc...
  • rocks have been used as tools (arrow) and to build walls and buildings
  • minerals-hard, nonliving parts of soil that can make rocks sparkle or shine (graphite in pencils, flourite in toothpaste, magnetite in magnets)
  • rocks and minerals take millions of years to form in the ground
  • people dig in the ground for rocks and minerals
  • rocks can be made of one or more minerals

Thursday, December 1, 2011

The Solar System

  • A planet is an object that moves around the sun
  • The solar system is made of planets, moons, and the sun
  • Solar means "of the sun"
  • There are eight planets in our solar system
  • The sun is the center of the system, the sun is the strongest and brightest part 
  • Planets closer to the sun take less time to go around the sun
  • Mercury-closest to the sun, rocky
  • Venus-hottest planet, thick clouds
  • Earth-water, air, one moon
  • Mars-two moons, red, rocky
  • Jupiter-largest planet, 63 moons
  • Saturn-large rings around it, made of ice and rocks, 47 moons
  • Uranus has thin rings, 27 moons, Neptune is a blue planet, 13 moons


The Moon and Stars

  • Light from the sun shines on the moon
  • The moon does not shine it's own light
  • The moon is made of rock
  • The moon makes a path around the earth called an orbit
  • The moon does not change shape, but the parts we can see that are lit up change shape
  • Each shape of the moon that we see is called a phase
  • Phases appear in the same order every month and repeat
  • A star is a hot object in space made of glowing gases
  • Gases give off heat and light
  • Stars look tiny because they are far away
  • The sun is close to Earth and looks larger, it is an average size star (normal size)
  • The sun is so bright it lights up the sky in the day and we cannot see the stars